Add a request body

You use a request body when you create or update resources. The request body is a representation of the resource. For example, if you want to create a new monitoring alert using the API, you make a POST request to the /alerts endpoint, and include a request body in your call.

The API Reference documentation for each endpoint indicates whether the endpoint requires a request body. For endpoints that require a request body, the documentation provides the following information:

  • A list of mandatory and optional fields
  • A description of each field in the request body
  • An example of a valid request body

Example request body

The following example shows a request body for the monitoring alerts endpoint.

  "ruleType": "sim",
  "target": "8944999999248275001",
  "lowerThreshold": "512000"
  "upperThreshold": "1048576"

In this example, the request body is being used to:

  • Create a subscriber-level monitoring alert ("ruleType": "sim",).
  • Apply the alert to a subscriber with an ICCID of 8944999999248275001.
  • Set a lower alert threshold of 500KB.
  • Set an upper alert threshold of 1MB.

Example API call with a request body

The following example shows how to format the monitoring alerts request body within an API call.

POST "" -d "{\"ruleType\":\"sim\",\"target\":\"8944999999248275001\",\"lowerThreshold\":\"512000\",\"upperThreshold\":\"1048576\"}"